Alannia Club



Welcome to Alannia Club,
the best vacation club in the world!

Vacations with rewards? At Alannia Resorts, it's possible!

Would you like booking at Alannia Resorts to come with rewards, in addition to enjoying the best vacations in the world? That's how Alannia Club works! Book through our website and enjoy an extra discount for the entire year, exclusive to Alannia Club members. Yes, you read that right, AN EXTRA DISCOUNT FOR ANY DATE OF THE YEAR! Plus, you can accumulate points based on the total cost of the booking, which you can later redeem for unique discounts and experiences. Will you join us?

Alannia Club Pink Card

Why Become a Club Member?

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Make Online Payments

Hassle-free vacations. Make your payments with a single click by entering your reservation number from the "My Stays" section.

Consultar tus reservas de forma rápida y sencilla

Check Your Reservations Quickly and Easily

Thanks to your Alannia Club account, you'll have direct access to your reservation history and all the details of your upcoming stay. Reservation number, stay dates, type of accommodation, and much more! All of this in the "My Stays" section of your account. You won't miss a thing!

Ofertas exclusivas / anticipadas

Exclusive / Early Offers

For our club, first. You'll be the first to find out about all our offers, and you'll also have exclusive online discounts and promotions.

Review Club Conditions

Do you have any questions about Alannia Club? You can review all the club conditions or the most frequently asked questions by our customers by clicking on the buttons below.

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Alannia Resorts